Science Fiction

Download Call It Sleep Pdf Free + Read Summary & Review

Call It Sleep is a novel written by Henry Roth. The novel was published in 1935 and deals with the story of a young boy who lives in an immigrant society in New York. The book was published by Robert o Ballou. It was a good book and was critically acclaimed but did poorly in the sales department. For 30 years, printing of the book was stopped and it was started once again after the review of this book was published on the Front page of The New York Times. The review was written by Irving Howe who is a critic and after his review, the book sold over a million copies and became quite popular. At the end of this article, download Call It Sleep Pdf Free.

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Call It Sleep Summary:

Call it Sleep tells the story of a young Jewish boy living in an immigrant settlement is the lower east side of New York. He is quite close to his mother but his father is a very indifferent and violent man. As the story progresses, his aunt Bertha arrives from Australia and her arrival increases the already persisting tension in the family. David, the young boy, grows up in an unhealthy environment for a kid where he lives in constant fear of his father and faces the struggles that immigrants normally do. Towards the end, he goes through a lot of accidents and when he is brought home by the cops, his father looks at him with love for the first time.

Call it Sleep Review:

Call It Sleep is a touching story of a young boy facing the hardships of life and everything getting much better in the end. The story derives its name from the end where he is in his mother’s embrace and thinks he might as well call it sleep. The book was a part of the 100 books named by the Times Magazine as the best books written since 1923.

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