Mystery Romance

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Rebecca is one of the best Gothic novels of 1938 written by well known English author Dame Daphne du Maurier. The story of the novel revolves around an unnamed young woman who by chance marries a rich widower. Later on, she discovers that her husband and his household is haunted by the memory of his late first wife, the title character Rebecca. Rebecca is one of the best seller novels which has never gone out of print. The novel sold more than 2.8 million copies from the year 1938 to 1965. You can download Rebecca PDF at the end.

Rebecca PDF


Review of Rebecca:

Rebecca is adapted various times for screen and stage. Rebecca is adapted by du Maurier herself for a play in 1939, and for the film, Rebecca released in the year of 1940, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, which won Academy Award for Best Picture. The major characters of the story are Dr Baker, Colonel Julyan, Jack Favell, Clarice, Robert, Frith, Giles Lacy, Beatrice Lacy, Frank Crawley, Rebecca de Winter, Mrs Danvers etc. Rebecca is considered as one of the best Gothic novels of all time and is loved by the readers and experts from around the world.

Features of Rebecca pdf:

  • Rebecca is written by famous English author Daphne du Maurier.
  • The novel is written in simple English language and is published in the United Kingdom for the first time.
  • Rebecca belongs to the Genre of romance, mystery, gothic and crime.
  • Rebecca is considered as one of the master prices from Daphne du Maurier and is nominated for various awards because of its creative content.
  • Rebecca is published by Victor Gollancz in the United Kingdom.
  • The novel was published in the year of 1938.
  • The novel is adapted for various platforms because of its amazing storyline.

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