
Download The Fortunes of Richard Mahony Pdf: Review and Summary

The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney is a novel written by Australian author under the pen name Henry Handel Richardson. The book is divided into three parts namely Australia Felix, The Way Home and Ultima Thule. The collection of the parts of the book took place in 1930 and it was then published by William Heinemann. At the end, download The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney Pdf free from our site.

The Fortunes of Richard Mahony pdf

The publishers claimed that it was the greatest English novel ever written. The novel touches on the theme of mental illness. Moreover, the characterization in the novel makes it a very interesting read. The book is not exactly a biography but it takes many events from the life of the author’s parents, with a few changes in the plot and setting.


The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney Summary:

The first part is named Australia Felix and it has nine chapters, all of which deal with the arrival of Richard in the area for digging gold. He comes with his friend to the area in search of gold. In the second part, The Way Home, Richard moves to Glasgow hoping that work would develop here but he feels like he needs to go back to Australia if he wants to succeed. Ultima Thule was the name given by Mahoney to his house which he sold in the previous book when he moved to England. In the last book, Richard is almost fifty and he starts his life again in Australia, with his friends and family.

The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney Review:

The book is quite extensive but is a fun read. A lot of attempts were made to make a screen adaptation of the book but none of them succeeded. However, a theatrical performance of the book did take place, which was enjoyed by the audience. It was produced by the Currency Press in 2002.

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